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Anton Coppola: Maestro …by All Means!

Luigi Boccia

We met Anton Coppola, one of the living legends of the operatic panorama of New York in his apartment, surrounded by scores and photographic memories, and with a grand piano in...

Grillo. The Italian Talking Cricket

Gianluca Taraborelli

Imagine Michael Moore leading a national protest against the corrupted political class. Beppe Grillo is an unconventional comedian turned to political activism. He has been...

Living in Italy

Maria Rita Latto

Whats' life like for American expatriates who live in the Bel Paese? The current sterotype would suggest that it's a Dolce Vita all day long. But we found a website that tells a....

Columbus Citizen Foundation. Interview with Louis Tallarini

Luigi Boccia

As we are getting closer to the Columbus Day Parade, the President of the Columbus Citizen Foundation agreed to be interviewed and share with us his future plans and mission.

Oliviero Toscani Makes the World Think about Anorexia

The famous Italian photographer drags the important problem of anorexia back to the spotlight for a discussion. A picture is at the center of a huge commercial campaign financed....

Napoli ritrovata a New York

Simona Frasca

La proiezione napoletana di "Closing Time", il documentario della giovane filmaker Veronica Diaferia sulla chiusura del negozio di Rossi a Mulberry Street, ha regalato alla città..

Garibaldi e il coraggio delle idee

Gianluca Taraborelli

Fu il dottor Ferdinando Zanetti il 23 novembre 1863 ad estrarre la famosa pallottola dal malleolo del Garibaldi “ferito” pochi mesi prima durante l’agguato in Aspromonte....

Art In Italy: Autum and Winter 2007

Anthony F. Drums

This Autumn Italy offers an increadible number of magnificent artistic exhibitions.

Will Italy set up a DNA Databank?

Frank M. Pizzorusso

Political disagreements and preoccupations are voiced. Will the tests also used to stop illegal immigration? Will people's dignity always be respected? May this be the beginning....

The Prince of Grand Street

Michael Anstendig

The small store is abuzz with activity. Two phones ring non-stop, the cash register clangs, four employees cut, slice and wrap orders of cheese and cured meats and customers are...

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