French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, sparks outrage after publishing insulting cartoons portraying the recent earthquake that afflicted central Italy. Later, Italian...
The National Italian American Foundation and U.S. Italy Fulbright Commission join the Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone in honoring the memory of Judge Giovanni Falcone, his...
Directed by Simone Aleandri and Produced by Clipper Media with Rai Cinema, the documentary Sono Cosa Nostra celebrates the 20years ofLibera,anetworkof over 1600 associations...
On the eve of the Extraordinary Jubilee called by Pope Francis to begin Dec. 8, the Eternal City administration is plagued by accusations of corruption and Mafia infiltration....
The “No to Mafia” movement passed through the Sicilian capital. Starting with the involvement of schools. Over 40 thousand students out on the streets, some coming from Europe...
The Commission for Cultural Exchanges between Italy and the United States has signed an academic partnership with Fondazione Falcone and The National Italian American Foundation...
Based on real events described in Gioacchino Criaco’s novel, BLACK SOULS (ANIME NERE) is a tale of violence begetting violence and complex morality inherited by each generation...
I’ve seen this claim made—verbatim, repeatedly—over the years, whenever Italian-American defamation is being denounced: the pseudo-statistic that 99.9 percent of...
In his customary cordial way, President Giorgio Napolitano read the political elite of Italy the polite equivalent of the riot act. On Tuesday the president made his traditional...
Courageous police and magistrates are battling valiantly against a wave of high-level political corruption linked to organized crime in Rome that has just brought 37 indictments....
Lights from the Dark. Mafia and Antimafia: pictures for an inventory, is an itinerant exhibition strongly desired by the Fondazione Italiana per la Legalità e lo Sviluppo...
The full text about a presumed swap between the Italian powers-that-be and the Sicilian Mafia back in the Nineties is yet to be released. But already President Giorgio...