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Art vs. Reality: Why Italian Americans like “Mob Movies”

Tom Verso

If critiques of movie/TV shows get beyond the criminality and make more comprehensive literary critiques of these dramas, they will find many positive literary qualities which may..

Books. A Day in the Life of Lucia

Stefano Vaccara

A book about Lucia Servadio Bedarida, the first female graduate from the medical school of Rome who became the first woman physician in Morocco.

Conferenza Mondiale dei Giovani 2008. Riunione Preparatoria per Paese (USA)

Il 15 dicembre dalle 9.30 alle 17.30 a Newark, New Jersey, Hotel Hilton (nei pressi della stazione) si terrà la "Preconferenza dei giovani USA", in preparazione alla Conferenza....

Grappa -- The Perfect Way to End a Meal

Charles Scicolone

Grappa is the perfect way to end a meal.

Alessandro Carrera. On the Edge of the Abyss, with Dylan

Chiara Zamin

Alessandro Carrera (born in Lodi, Italy) is a major authority on Bob Dylan. He has translated Dylan’s songs and autobiography into Italian and in 2001 he published a passionate...

The Legend of Panettone

Natasha Lardera

A slice of panettone and a flute of champagne (or prosecco)… there is no more Italian way to wish a happy holiday season. It’s a ritual in many homes where panettone is a...

Review. Casa Nostra: A Home in Sicily

Stanton H. Burnett

Caroline Seller, as she was then, a peripatetic young Englishwoman of impressive backbone and literary talent, truly entered the world of western Sicily by marrying one of three....

Nancy Pelosi for President and other Proposals

Jerry Krase

Since I can't propose marriage, I will simply propose Nancy Pelosi for President. Seriously though, wouldn't she make a great "first"?

"Deus Est Caritas”. A Surprising Catholic Encycical

Maria Rita Latto

Nearly two years after the first Encyclical on Love by Pope Benedict XVI, “Deus Est Caritas” (God is Charity), on November 30th the second one was issued. All the main...

Giuseppe Giacomini on YouTube. III PART. “The Beautiful Sound is the One Deep Inside Me”

Luigi Boccia

In the third part of the interview, Giacomini elaborates on some of the technical aspects of operatic singing. A beautiful sound – according to the Italian tenor - is the one...

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