Following the recent passing of its beloved founder, Baroness Mariuccia Zerilli-Marimò, the prestigious Casa Italiana of New York University elected as its new president Giorgio...
Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space, a two-person exhibition of recent work by Arianna Carossa and Beatrice Glow, curated by Alessandro Facente. “With myths, one should not be...
For four generations Gloria Porcella’s family has followed an artistic and cultural path in Rome. Here Gloria tells us a little about her cultured childhood, her subsequent...
While art is the expression of the brain, Serena Scapagnini shows that the brain can be the inspiration for the art. From July 12th to September 14th, Scapagnini’s new solo...
You don't have to be creative to be creative.
Given all the objects designed by Massimo Vignelli that are located in New York and its museums, we decided to publish a not-so-well-known drawing he made in the early 1990s, when...
Vanessa Tamburi, Artistic Director announces its 2016 Festival Week, May 24-28, the organization’s second annual contemporary dance and art event in NYC. A wide variety of...
Call the Bluff @ Cara Gallery, a visual narrative by Italian born artist Beatrice Scaccia specifically designed for the gallery space. The artist’s first exhibition will...
Unseen is a brand new collaborative project between artist, Giorgio Casu, and photographer, Michele Palazzo. Born out of a conversation on the intersections and possibilities that...
Good news on the tourism front: cultural tourism is on the rise in Italy, in a trend that contradicts what's happening elsewhere in Europe. In 2015, the ì visitors to Italian...
With upbringings rooted in traditional values, the photographers of postwar Italy considered the landscape to be integral part of their lives and photographic practice. For these...