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Street Food Vendors Are All Unique

Street Food Vendors Are All Unique

Johnny Meatballs DeCarlo (February 25, 2015)

There is room on the road for all of us


I am not gonna call out the person who called out this Canadian company on their facebook page. But I hope they are reading this and get the message. What you did was wrong. You threw down someone’s livelihood for your own self-gratification and have the audacity to act like you are here to set some kind of standard.


You’re not. I don’t care how fat your head gets, you don’t have the right to tell anyone what to do.


I’m not looking for a street food turf war or any kind of problems with any traveling event concession stand, mobile caterer, food truck or vendor. I get along with everyone except for a select few who act elitist as if they invented street food.


Pretty messed up you got vendors in the streets bashing their competition to make themselves look better. We all got our own styles --- I always respect the game and every player in this game..... No need to diss others and put down someone's business. Shameful. None of us have a "boss," that's why we are entrepreneurs. We are self-governed and always will be. We're not under a dictatorship!


But unfortunately certain individuals have an inferiority complex where they feel bashing others props them up. I would never say a bad thing about my counterparts or competition but that's just how I roll. I got more class than to resort to that.


You tried to “take over” last year with your food truck mafia group. You insulted me, my operation, and tried to shut me out and put me down. Now you’re doing it to innocent, hard-working people who did not deserve to be called out by you and insulted. I’m sick of it and you need to know I’m not going anywhere. Neither are guys like me who don’t follow your dumb self-imposed rules of the road. So get off your high horse and worry about your own business.

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