First Meatball Event In Haworth This Sunday!
First Meatball Event In Haworth This Sunday!
Back On A Roll!
Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is over. Johnny Meatballs On A Roll – The World’s First Mobile Meatball Cart is back! Yes, we are rolling out again to kick off the 2012 feast season after the long winter. Our last event was December 20th at the Closter
During our hiatus, we tried out an indoor satellite location at Cuzin’s Deli in Woodland Park and also re-launched our retail package now at all three Corrado’s stores. We’re still gearing up for many new and exciting projects but now that the spring is here, the meatball wagon will be out and about at lots of events once again. I can’t wait to get out there again in the fresh air for my public and start serving meatballs to all my hungry followers! My loyal fans are what fuel me and I so appreciate all the patience and support.
I do occasionally get some people who thrive on keeping me down because I put myself out there so much and because my life is such an open book. To that, I have this to say…
I don’t just sell meatballs. I sell myself and share my back story. That’s why they are Johnny's Meatballs and I AM Johnny Meatballs and I put myself out there even if I get haters who don't like me. I am part of the food and
Nothing gives me more pleasure than giving away my product like I did recently to Z100. I do events all summer not to get rich but to be out and see my fans and supporters. I don’t agree with the styles of all my industry counterparts but I still don’t sit there hating. I do my thing and am always positive.
You can’t take stuff so seriously—personally or professionally. Networking and cross-promoting with your counterparts is a big thing and we all travel in the same circles so you should never burn bridges. Speaking of which, I’ll be side by side this Sunday with my great friend and fellow vendor, Frankie Antipasto, the capicola king.
I really hope to MEAT you all in Haworth, this is a day of fun for the whole family. This event is extra special, it’s the first one we did last season and was one of our best. It features lots of arts & crafts, jewelry, sports collectibles, toys, a multitude of flea market items old and new, Sparky’s Cigars , treats for dogs, an elaborate windchime stand, and many other unique stands. You’re sure to find that perfect gift for Mother’s Day.
Come on out and grab a
For additional information and directions, please call (201) 385-1247