Italian Cultural Institute. Screening of the movie "Focaccia Blues", directed by Nico Cirasola. Set in a little village in Apulia called Altamura, the movie tells the story of how...
Extended interview with Gianfranco Norelli, writer and director of the documentary film "Bitter Bread" (Pane Amaro). The new version for American audiences will be screened on...
Cipriani was again the venue for this year’s celebration of Italy's National Day, the most important event of the year for the Italian community with more than a thousand guests...
Set in a little village in the Apulia Region, Altamura, “Focaccia Blues” tells the story of a bakery that puts a recently opened Mc Donald’s out of business. The American...
One-on-one with Renato Miracco, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute. A year and a half in office.
The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce in New York and the Italian Trade Commission honored contemporary design during the annual springtime ceremony
Festival dei Popoli-New York Documentary Film Festival is an initiative devoted to promoting and studying social documentary cinema at an international level. The 2009 edition...
The roundtable organized by the Consulate General of Portugal and the Consulate of Italy in Newark was an important occasion of dialogue for the two European countries that have...
Italian-American business leader Joseph Grano shared his opinions and predictions about the current economic crisis with the members of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce. The...
New York. A life together dedicated to design. Massimo Vignelli and Elena Valle received the decoration of commendatore nell’ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana from the...
The roundtable organized by the Consulate General of Portugal and the Consulate of Italy in Newark was an important occasion of dialogue for the two European countries that have...
The Referendum concerns the reform of the current Italian electoral system fof the Chambers of Deputies and for the Senate