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Castagnole - Another Carnevale Treat

Castagnole - Another Carnevale Treat

Rosanna Di Michele (January 31, 2013)

Carnival is synonymous of fried treats in Italy. Here is a recipe for Casatagnole, small soft balls sprinkled with powdered sugar. The word castagna means chestnut, and these fritters resemble a chestnut in size and shape.


 Step by step preparation

Ingredients (4-6 servings):

Flour (400g)
Sugar (100g)
Butter (100g),
Eggs (4),
Baking powder (1 packet)
Vanilla extract (1 tsp)
Grated rind of one lemon
Orange liqueur  (1/4 cup) 
Powdered sugar - enough to roll the castagnole in 



-In a bowl combine: flour, sugar and butter cut into cubes.
-Add the vanilla, lemon zest and baking powder.
-Finally the eggs and mix.
-Using your hands, knead the dough.
-Shape into cylindrical loaves, cut into pieces and form small balls (chestnuts).
-Fry in plenty of hot oil, drain and roll in powdered sugar.

Buon appetito

More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>


Ingredienti (4-6 persone):
-Farina (gr 400)
-Zucchero (gr 100)
-Burro (gr 100)
-Uova (4)
 -Lievito per dolci (1 bustina)
-Vanillina (1 bustina)
- Buccia grattuggiata di limone
-Liquore all'arancia (1/2 bicchierino)


-In una ciotola, lavorare con le mani , la farina, lo zucchero e il burro tagliato a cubetti .
-Aggiungere la vanillina, la buccia di limone e il lievito.
-Infine le uova e impastare.
-Fare dei filoncini cilindrici, tagliare a tocchetti e formare le palline ( castagnole ).
-Friggere in abbondante olio , sgocciolare e rotolarle nello zucchero.
...pronte le Castagnole!!! 

Altre ricette nel blog di Rosanna >>>

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Castagnole di Carnevale

Quando si aggiunge il liquore all'arancia? E che tipo di olio e' piu' adatto per soffriggerli? Grazie!

Castagnole di Carnevale

il liquore all'arancia va aggiunto assieme alle uova e per friggere deve usare olio di arachidi.

?don't you give amounts of ingredients in american measurements.

want to try recipes, but need American measurements please.

use cresent rolls, pinch e

use cresent rolls, pinch e piece off roll and fry in oil til golden broen very quickly. sprinkle with powder sugar and serve and enjoy while hot. grandma use to take hours to make i do the same thing in 10 minutes. found this buy mistake, trying to make something else and found this . very nice for unexpected guests. they will think you are a fabulous cook. and the smell of your house will be fantastic. just like grandma house. ENJOY AAE



Sorry Lynn. Here is the conversion: 100g = 3.5 oz. Hope this helps!