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A wall, a poem, a summer epiphany.

A wall, a poem, a summer epiphany.

Joseph Sciorra (August 11, 2008)
Joseph Sciorra
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 2008.

I am reminded of Eugenio Montale's haunting poem upon discovering a simple barrier wall built by an Italian immigrant in Brooklyn during the 1930s.


Meriggiare pallido e assorto

Meriggiare pallido e assorto
presso un rovente muro d’orto,
ascoltare tra i pruni e gli sterpi
schiocchi di merli, frusci di serpi.

Nelle crepe del suolo o su la veccia
spiar le file di rosse formiche
ch’ora si rompono ed ora s’intrecciano
a sommo di minuscole biche.

Osservare tra frondi il palpitare
lontano di scaglie di mare
mentre si levano tremuli scricchi
di cicale dai calvi picchi.

E andando nel sole che abbaglia
sentire con triste meraviglia
com’è tutta la vita e il suo travaglio
in questo seguitare una muraglia
che ha in cima cocci aguzzi di bottiglia.
Eugenio Montale





To lounge at noon pale and lost in thought
against a scorching garden wall,
to listen to blackbirds crackle and snakes rustle
amongst the thicket and bramble.
To spy the lines of red ants
in the cracks of the earth or among the vetch
sometimes breaking and sometimes interlacing
at the summit of minuscule heaps.
To observe between the foliage
slivers of the sea in the distant pulse
while the cicadas’ tremulous scraping
arises from the bald peaks.
And walking into the blazing sun
to feel a sad amazement
how all of life and its travails
is here on this pathway, a wall
topped with sharp shards of broken bottles.
Translation by Joseph Sciorra.

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