DISCLAIMER: Posts published in i-Italy are intended to stimulate a debate in the Italian and Italian-American Community and sometimes deal with controversial issues. The Editors are not responsible for, nor necessarily in agreement with the views presented by individual contributors.
Great Post
I am sooooo tired of the Columbus thing. Every year the Italian Americans in my town go crazy about Columbus. The rest of the year - nobody to talk about. Not to mention that they are all southern Italian and he was northern - and all the goes with that.
Columbus Day as an Italian American celebration is the brain child of a few "prominenti" in the early 20th century: Italian Americans who, by latching on to Columbus' coattails, wished to promote their own interests, trying to elevate themselves in the eyes of white Americans who looked down on Italian immigrants. Then, Columbus was an American hero and everyone love him; now that no one cares much about him, Italian Americans, largely ignorant of their own history in this country seem to think it is their duty to defend him. One of many cruel jokes perpetrated within the Italian American community on the Italian American community. The old dagoes couldn't care less for Columbus, and neither could I. It's time we celebrate Italian American history and not be mules for the prominenti.
Who to name
Sister Blandina Segale who met up with gunslingers and cowboys in the wild west! Too bad the infamous Cabrini Greens in Chicago were named for her.
Great Post
Great Post I am sooooo tired of the Columbus thing. Every year the Italian Americans in my town go crazy about Columbus. The rest of the year - nobody to talk about. Not to mention that they are all southern Italian and he was northern - and all the goes with that.
What's worng with that?
Yeah, tell me about it...freedom of speech sucks doesn't it?
What's wrong with southerns cheering from a northern guy? It's a great example of full-Italian (from the Alps to Lampedusa) pride.
Jeez, stay home, go camping, eat some kielbasa...trust me compare you'll feel much better.
Columbus Day as an Italian
Columbus Day as an Italian American celebration is the brain child of a few "prominenti" in the early 20th century: Italian Americans who, by latching on to Columbus' coattails, wished to promote their own interests, trying to elevate themselves in the eyes of white Americans who looked down on Italian immigrants. Then, Columbus was an American hero and everyone love him; now that no one cares much about him, Italian Americans, largely ignorant of their own history in this country seem to think it is their duty to defend him. One of many cruel jokes perpetrated within the Italian American community on the Italian American community. The old dagoes couldn't care less for Columbus, and neither could I. It's time we celebrate Italian American history and not be mules for the prominenti.