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Napoli ed il suo sogno di Natale

(08 12 2015) Alessandro Milone

Un racconto, pubblicato da Polidoro Editore, del giornalista e scrittore Marco Perillo

The Spectacle of the Nativity in Valenti Angelo’s Art

(21 12 2013) Laura E. Ruberto

The children’s book author and illustrator Valenti Angelo highlights Italian American Christmas Celebrations in his works.

A moribund italianità.

(11 12 2012) Joseph Sciorra

Some thoughts on presepi, creativity, and death.

Wise Men Melchior and Balthazar banned in northern Italian city.

(03 01 2010) Joseph Sciorra

A story about racism in contemporary Italy so absurd it could be true.

Radical Italian American Christmas Cards

(24 12 2009) Laura E. Ruberto

Thinking about next year’s holiday cards, I turn to the leftist artists, Tina Modotti and Pietro di Donato.

An entry from The Encyclopedia of Imagined Italian-Americana

(13 12 2009) Joseph Sciorra

The lost Christmas special of "The Honeymooners" with an Italian-American theme, from the Imaginarium of Joey Skee.

Tre Re Magi campani a Philadelphia

(15 01 2009) Stagisti Inverno 2009

Sullo sfondo del "Presepe della Pace", tre membri della Federazione Campania USA hanno sfilato vestiti da Re Magi per la messa di chiusura del ciclo natalizio

“Ti abbraccio teneramente,” Christmas from Prison

(24 12 2008) Laura E. Ruberto

A selection of Antonio Gramsci’s Christmas letters from prison.

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