Inside this special

Palermo: Chatting with a Mayor in Love with His City

Letizia Airos

Leoluca Orlando was recently re-elected mayor after leaving national politics. We sat down to discuss Palermo, a city he has loved for all his life

What They Say About Italian Language

The editorial team at i-Italy gathered statements from prominent figures in the Italian American community about the importance of the Italian language.

A Goal for the Fourth Generation

E. M.

Interview with Katherine LaGuardia

"Segno" italo americano

Eleonora Mazzucchi

Interview with Josephine Gattuso Hendin

Two Lives Through Italian Culture

Letizia Airos

Interview with Baroness Mariuccia Zerilli Marimò

A Matter of Publicity

Eleonora Mazzucchi

Interview with Joseph Sciame

Language as a Strategic Imperative

Ottorino Cappelli

Conversation with Robert Viscusi

Nel mezzo del cammin...

Dacia Maraini *

Italian Language? That’s why I think it’s necessary and important to study it, take care of it, practice it with loving attention and infinite respect.

The Language of Ugo, Alexander & Sam

Letizia Airos

Interview with Alexander Stille

The Quaderni

Renato Miracco *

Why Should We Study Italian?

Matilda Raffa Cuomo * & Margaret I. Cuomo *

A Borderless Language

Giovanni Castellaneta *

Parlo, dunque sono

Anthony Julian Tamburri *

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