The passing of Rudolph J. Vecoli is a great loss but his legacy is much greater.
Looking for and unfortunately finding common elements in "The Race Debate in America and Italy”
Explaining American politics to foreigners is not easy especially in this Presidential Campaign Season when you can't tell the pachaderms from the jackasses and vice versa. Ironic...
i-italy provides a great opportunity for intelligent discourse about the meaning(s) of Italian and Italian American. I hope to contribute to one created by Tom Verso and Fred...
A few random images of Italy and Italian America taken over the years by the author in response to my recent contribution to the "Why Vote?" discussion
Why it is important for Italians in America as well as Italian-Americans to vote in the Italian elections. What Italy can do for them and those who are not even Italian.
Thinking about and re-thinking about the Iraq War after its Fifth Anniversary.
Casting stones while in glass houses seems to be a favorite pastime of politicians of all races, creeds, genders, and "diss"-abilities. Take for example, Spitzer and Ferraro, not...
The problem with trying to distinguish fact from fiction and reality from simulation in American politics today is that there is no difference.
Having recently witnessed the orgiastic rite of the Right as the Left left their positions of leadership(?) of the Italian Government, I wondered what Italian Unity (Unità...
After all the histrionic fuss about how Ian Fisher and The New York Times made Italy look bad (faceva fare una mala figura all'Italia), Italy just did it all by itself (da sola).
Why Rudy Giuliani can't rely on co-ethnicity to win. The limits of Machine Politics when it comes to Italian Americans as a potential voting bloc.