The First Circles
The First Circles
Sono Dom Serafini, candidato alla Camera dei Deputati al Parlamento italiano
This is the press release sent out about my new book:
For the Italian caste an honest politician is someone who received only a two-year sentence.
Why we have to vote for President Obama, even if we're not to happy about it.
Quando “business is business” non funziona in Abruzzo
This Issue offers valuable information for international TV executives. The Issue is available online at: In addition, the daily version can be found at: www..
It would take a combination of several “American Berlusconis” to make one Italian Berlusconi.
Per coloro che vorrebbero capire "chi é chi e cosa fa" in questa giostra che é la politica italiana, presento un breve resoconto multi-partisan
Agli italiani all'estero il peggio dei notiziari Rai