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Wake Up And Have a Ball With Saint Paul

(27 11 2017) Darrell Fusaro

As far as I’m concerned seriousness is merely fear pretending to be a grown-up.

In New York Life's a JOY-ney

(27 07 2016) Darrell Fusaro

Joy and enthusiasm let us know we’re heading toward more life, more joy, and more of what we were created to be doing; in other words, success.

What's a God Box?

(14 10 2015) Darrell Fusaro

It doesn't have to be a fancy container. The God box that works best is the one you use.

How to Make This The Greatest Day of Your Life

(14 07 2014) Darrell Fusaro

You will set off a ripple effect of kindness and coincidences that miraculously transform your day, and life, for the better.

"What If Godzilla Just a Hug?" Book Signing in Los Angeles

(11 12 2013) Darrell Fusaro

I'll be there and hope you will be too!

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