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How to Make This The Greatest Day of Your Life

How to Make This The Greatest Day of Your Life

Darrell Fusaro (July 14, 2014)
Fusaro 2014

You will set off a ripple effect of kindness and coincidences that miraculously transform your day, and life, for the better.


If you want to make this day, or any day, the greatest day of your life here's how:

*With a smile on your face and in your heart go out into the world and extend your love to everyone you meet.

It is scientifically proven that once we open a channel for love to flow through us, we experience physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.  Our consciousness is elevated to a higher frequency and we instantaneously begin to attract improved conditions.  If this seems like a tall order and you are wondering how to get started, just start simply (and keep it simple).  You can send a friend a quick e-mail, short and sweet, simply saying, "I'm thinking of you today.  Wishing you well."  You can leave a friendly comment on a friend's Facebook wall.  Or even easier, download this cartoon and share it. 

Once you get the ball rolling and permit even the tiniest trickle of love to flow out from you and toward others, you will set off a ripple effect of kindness and coincidences that miraculously transform your day, and life, for the better.

*Excerpt from Suggestions for Making the Principles of Truth Alive by Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.

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