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New York

"Pasticciotto a Obama". Arriva a New York una storia tutta da raccontare

(05 03 2009) Letizia Airos Soria

Mastro Angelo ed il suo assitente Andrea inventano un nuovo dolce. Nel giro di pochi giorni tutto il loro paese vuole assaggiare "Il Pasticciotto a Obama". Una versione del...


(28 02 2009) Joseph Sciorra

Giuseppe Gagliardi’s film La vera leggenda di Tony Vilar is a musical journey tracing the circuitous routes of the Italian diaspora.

Sacred Space, Real Estate, and the Enacted Environment

(18 01 2009) Joseph Sciorra

Two religious buildings historically associated with Italian-American Catholics face challenges to survive.

I Love New York

(02 01 2009) Stagisti Inverno 2009

Da "I Love New York" ad "I Love Myself": storia del marchio più famoso per dire I Love You

An Epic of Mediterranean Culture

(22 12 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Sixty-six years ago, the Museum of Modern Art exhibited a Sicilian-American bootblack’s decorated shoeshine kit, contributing to the museum director’s eventual dismissal.

Backyard Figs from Brooklyn

(28 09 2008) Joseph Sciorra

In which this blogger says nothing more profound than he really, really likes figs.

Naked Music, Well Dressed

(25 09 2008) George De Stefano

Vocalist Petra Magoni and bassist Ferruccio Spinetti make (beautiful) Musica Nuda

What’s So Funny about the Virgin Mary?

(20 09 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Ludic and hybridic reworkings of Catholic imagery and ritual are part of recent reimagining of Italian-American culture and identity.

The Sound of Italian-American Cultural Philanthropy

(14 09 2008) Joseph Sciorra

What happens when a PBS station targets Italian Americans as donors?

La Madonna Nera of New York City

(02 09 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Italian Americans gather at a gay bar in Manhattan in celebration of the Black Madonna.

Lace in the Crystal City

(28 08 2008) Joseph Sciorra

An exhibition presents women’s domestic needlework in Corning, New York.

A Sicilian named George Wallington

(24 08 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Jazz pianist Giacinto Figlia aka George Wallington was at the founding of be-bop. Then he disappeared. Now Anthony Scotto’s resurrects his life and music.

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