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Freedom Tower, un ponte oltre la tragedia

(18 09 2015) Alessandro Milone

Dal 29 maggio di quest'anno ha aperto al pubblico il nuovo osservatorio della Freedom Tower, il piu' alto in citta'.

Tribute to 9/11 victims at Lincoln Center

(11 09 2015) Alessandro Milone

"The memory is a way to meet" Khalil Gibran

9/11. Da quel giorno il mondo è cambiato.

(25 09 2014) Alessandro Milone

Dall'11 settembre 2001 ho deciso di lasciarmi andare, di arrendermi completamente alla vita. Dopo quella tragedia ho deciso di smetterla di voler controllare tutto, tanto niente...

(Re)Making Meaning of 9/11: A Decade Later

(20 09 2011) Jerry Krase

To try to make meaning out of 9/11, every year since 2001 I have retraced my steps to re-photograph how my neighbors displayed their feelings about the tragedy. As time has passed...

Memories of September 11th Past, Present, and .....

(15 09 2009) Jerry Krase

Every year around 9/11 I go out in my neighborhood of Park Slope, Brooklyn and retrace my steps (and re-photograph) as I walked about in 2001 looking at how ordinary people...

Nine Eleven Then

(13 09 2008) Jerry Krase

The first of my Memories of September 11th Past, Present, and .....

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