How I avoided the customary mood swings that come prior to, and after the announcement.
Want to know what motivates me to be so productive? The answer: Pain. I have found nothing relieves emotional pain more effectively than getting busy.
"If you're feeling shitty make something pretty." - Diana, Darrell's cousin
This remedy is no secret, you may have even heard the saying, "Move a muscle: change an emotion." What does any of this have to do with being submitted for an Emmy®? Nothing, but since the news program I produce in Los Angeles was submitted for one this year I decided I'd make a preemptive strike. In my attempt to avoid the high high of potential nomination as well as the low low of being passed over I decided I'd bare my soul. Miraculously it worked. By shamelessly pointing out my less than virtuous craving for approval, via cartoon confession, I've made it through the Emmy® selection process emotionally unscathed - even after finding out we weren't nominated. Here they are, my before and after shots of the Emmy® selection process, so you can enjoy a laugh at my expense too.
2011 [8] acceptance [9] Admit [10] Avoid [11] Awards [12] Cartoon [13] Confession [14] darrell [15] Defects [16] Emmy [17] Emotion [18] Famous Amos [19] Fun [20] Funny [21] Fusaro [22] health [23] James Fusaro [24] Mark Burnett [25] Pain [26] Remedy [27]