The one thing Americans can all agree on is that the pursuit of happiness includes a trip to Italy.
Simply replacing the word "now" with "new" may just give you the boost you're looking for.
Joy and enthusiasm let us know we’re heading toward more life, more joy, and more of what we were created to be doing; in other words, success.
"I've lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats." –Eckhart Tolle
All it takes is one sheet of paper, a pair of scissors, and a pen to launch your publishing empire.
"I often get asked why I give out Peeps at Easter." said the Easter Bunny.
Have all the fun without the struggle. Begin each day being kind to yourself and enjoy how friendly life is.
When you feel good about what you're doing and where you're headed, you attract MORE opportunities that make you feel good about what you're doing and where you're headed.