Simply replacing the word "now" with "new" may just give you the boost you're looking for.
All it takes is one sheet of paper, a pair of scissors, and a pen to launch your publishing empire.
A slight modification to the lyrics of this popular Dean Martin Christmas song can free you up for a lifetime of happiness.
Since prayer is to think loving or affirmative thoughts regarding a person or situation, Facebook has given us the opportunity to utilize the power of prayer more efficiently.
Doing just a little each day toward your goal keeps your enthusiasm sizzling.
There is a Power for good in the universe greater than you are, and you can use it. –Ernest Holmes
Allow yourself to be happy and circumstances that bring more happiness will follow.
Prior to opening Piccolo Chef in 2008, Tina and Lilian worked as a team for 12 years at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Los Angeles (Cultural Center of the Italian Consulate...
Never let the idea that in order to follow through on inspiration you must have the right sketchpad.
This simple practice transforms the burden of returning gifts into a wonderful adventure where you get to participate as an undercover agent of good will.