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Umberto Bossi

Family values, Bossi style

(13 04 2012) Judith Harris

Umberto Bossi, founding father of the Northern League, resigned as head of his party last week. After 30 years of blaming Rome of robbing, it turns out that some in Bossi's...

Good News Gazette

(09 03 2012) Judith Harris

There's good news from Italy, and it's about time. (Never fear: at the tail end of this piece we'll report some bad news, too.)

Bin Laden: A Thoughtful Vatican and a Concerned Italy

(02 05 2011) Judith Harris

May 1, while in Rome Pope John Paul II is beatified, Al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden is killed in Pakistan. The reactions in the Italian political world

The Broken Promise: Fiscal Federalism

(07 02 2011) Judith Harris

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano refused to sign the bill on fiscal federalism, with comments that it was “unreceivable,” poorly drafted and generic. For Berlusconi the...

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