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Panoramic Rome, before and after Google

(14 11 2008) Judith Harris

Bernard Fisher, historian at the University of Virginia, has finally assisted to the concretization of his project: Google Earth made it possibile to realize a virtual ancient...

Election Madness: Obamarama

(05 11 2008) Pasquale Verdicchio

Italian response to US elections brings forth interesting debates and views on race.

Rome’s Fountains

(27 10 2008) Judith Harris

Protecting amazing masterpiecs in the Eternal City

Cappuccino Connoisseur, and Proud of It

(18 10 2008) Judith Harris

Nel bicchiere, in vetro or in tazza? Poca or molta schiuma? Boiling or tepid? However you like it, a cappuccino will sure become part of your Dolce Vita in Rome. And can make you...

Does misery love company? Italy’s Roma

(01 07 2008) Judith Harris

Few are more miserable these days than the Roma, or Gypsies, in Italy, whose camps are being bulldozed, whose shacks are being firebombed, and whose children now risk being...

Ancient Roman Slave Cemetery Found at Ostia Antica

(16 06 2008) Judith Harris

The little community of slaves laboring at the port at Ancient Ostia, at the mouth of the Tiber River, was desperately poor, but when the eight-year-old boy died, they endowed his...

Rome Turns Right

(30 04 2008) Judith Harris

Berlusconi chalks up his second victory this month. “We’ll be licking these wounds for as long as we have tongues, and maybe longer,” was the mournful comment of Alessandro...

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