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Wake Up And Have a Ball With Saint Paul

(27 11 2017) Darrell Fusaro

As far as I’m concerned seriousness is merely fear pretending to be a grown-up.

If You Want to Relax - Get a Cat

(27 06 2016) Darrell Fusaro

"I've lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats." –Eckhart Tolle

The Good You Seek Is Seeking You

(02 03 2016) Darrell Fusaro

Have all the fun without the struggle. Begin each day being kind to yourself and enjoy how friendly life is.

Book Signing, Ridiculously Inspiring Stories, Cartoons, and Espresso!

(26 06 2014) Darrell Fusaro

The evening began by highlighting the positive side effects of being Italian-American and rapidly expanded into much more.

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