Frank Capra was so impressed with Amadeo Giannini's humility and generosity that he based the main character "George Bailey" in his 1946 film "It’s a Wonderful Life" on him.
On Saturday, September 10, 2011, the Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) presents two authors whose works reflect a passion for Sicily and New York. Frank Polizzi, whose...
Everyone’s familiar with nicknames. Mikey, Snookie, Noodles, The Situation. We’ve heard them all. But the ones given to you by your Italian-American friends? They always...
People often ask, "How do you break into show biz?" I think I've discovered the answer.
The 1963 film Love with the Proper Stranger dealt with the limited choices faced by an Italian American woman a decade before abortion was legalized in the U.S.
Here we go again... Hollywood contro Armani: é una questione di pelle
What Frank Capra and an obscure William Wellman western might tell us about Italian American women.
America's oldest Italian newspaper celebrates its first century