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Darrell Fusaro

Darn side effects

(21 02 2013) Darrell Fusaro

First Date

(04 02 2013) Darrell Fusaro

Half Full :)

(08 01 2013) Darrell Fusaro

Blessed Are the Nobodies

(04 01 2013) Darrell Fusaro

Tucked away in the basement of the downtown Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, are the remains of a nobody.

East Coast Artist Washed Up in Carmel

(27 12 2012) Darrell Fusaro

DON'T BE AFRAID OF SILLY IDEAS. I went from unknown to well-known with this ridiculous photo of me standing waist deep in the Pacific Ocean.

Merry Christmas Day!

(25 12 2012) Darrell Fusaro

Merry Christmas!

(20 12 2012) Darrell Fusaro

The 9 Phases of the Creative Process ILLUSTRATED!

(15 12 2012) Darrell Fusaro

"Being human, all of us are creative by nature. Developing enough faith to trust our intuition is what the creative process is all about."

Fusaro and Mr. B Disrupt Class and Inspire Students

(19 10 2012) Darrell Fusaro

School therapists fascinated at the students' progress have inquired as to their methods, but Fusaro and Mr. B don't have any tricks up their sleeves. They are just a couple of...

The start of a great day.

(22 09 2012) Darrell Fusaro

George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life" is based on an Italian-American

(09 08 2012) Darrell Fusaro

The main character in the American holiday classic "It's a Wonderful Life" is based on the most incredible Italian-American you've never heard of.

A Tough Guy’s Actions Expose a Soft Spot

(20 06 2012) Darrell Fusaro

At age fourteen I defended us against the black mafia and experienced my dad's love.

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