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November 28, 2013

The First Risorgimento circa 200 B.C. – The South brings Civilization to Northern Italy

Tom Verso

Contemporary presentations of Italian history refer to ‘THE’ (definite article implying singularity) Risorgimento circa 1870 A.D., when in fact it should read ‘A’...

November 17, 2013

Mafia-ology: The Terroni-ization of Southern-Italian Americans … A Gramsci Hegemony/Culture War Analysis

Tom Verso

I use the word mafia-ology to mean the aggregate of Mafia ‘academic’ studies (e.g. Lupo’s “History of Mafia”) and ‘quais-academic’ journalism (e.g. Stille’s...

November 8, 2013

“At the End of a Dull Day” by Massimo Carlotto … WOW! Talk about a ‘Page-Turner’ … This ‘Bad-Boy’ is as Good as it Gets!

Tom Verso

A crime story ‘junkie’ from the profound “Crime and Punishment” to so bad I won’t mention for fear of libel. Accordingly, I speak from experience about the relative...