Whenever you're willing, she's always eager to take you on a thrilling adventure.
New York city loves you. New Yorkers have all felt her tug. It’s the tug of her inviting us to loosen the grip on our itinerary and allow her to take the lead. Whether you’re a resident or visiting she’s always excited to introduce you to new people and fascinating places. Accept New York’s generosity and trust her, she has a knack of knowing exactly what will make you happy. I’ve never been disappointed when I’ve followed her nudging me to go left rather than right. I’ve allowed myself to be swept away with a stream of pedestrians, and have followed the green traffic lights, to destinations more enjoyable than anything I could’ve planned. These experiences are the types of which are so incredible that I can’t wait to tell my friends. When I do tell them it always starts off with, “Funniest thing, you won’t believe the amazing thing that happened to me today…”
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