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Italian Americans by the Numbers: Guido Demographics

Italian Americans by the Numbers: Guido Demographics

Tom Verso (February 11, 2010)

The name ‘Guido’ has come to characterize the ‘20 something’ generation of Italian Americans. US Census data provides an approximation of that generation with data on the age group 18-34 for the period 2006-2008; some of which is present in this article.


American Community Survey

The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide scientific survey conducted by the US Census department designed to provide a fresh look at how the American population is changing between the decade censuses. The ACS collects and produces population and housing information every year instead of every ten years. This data is published online as “The American Community Survey (ACS)” at the Bureau’s website
Italian Americans by the Numbers
“Italian Americans by the Numbers” is a series of articles posted on the i-Italy blog “South of Rome-West of Ellis Island  ( reporting American Community Survey census data describing various characteristics of the Italian American population.  For more information about the series and the American Community Survey please see: “Italian Americans by the Numbers: Definitions, Methods & Raw Data” (
The purpose of this article (the ninth in the series) is to present data on the Italian American age group 18-34 reported in the most recent American Community Survey 2006-2008.
The most recent ACS survey reports that approximately 17.7 million Americans identified themselves as being of Italian Ancestry. Of which approximately 4.1 million fall into the age group 18-34.

Following are four categories of ACS survey data describing the Italian American age group 18-34 nationally, by states, regions and metro areas. The data is presented in tables and charts.  (Note, this is not a comprehensive description of the group; rather, selected data.  For more information on this and other age groups see:
“Italian Americans by the Numbers: Age, Gender & Generations
I. National numbers for Italian American age groups 18-24, 25-34, and other Italian American age groups for comparisons.  Given the wide age range 18-34, it is interesting to break the group down into two component parts for the national numbers only.

II. The 18-34 age group by States in terms of numbers in the group and percentages of the total Italian American population in the State.


III. The 18-34 age group by Regions in terms of numbers in the group and percentages of the total Italian American population in the State.

IV. The 18-34 age group by Metro areas in terms of numbers in the group and percentages of the total Italian American population in the region.

For more detail data on Italian Americans in states, regions, division and metro areas see “ Italian Americans by the Numbers – Where we live." 

Anyone with questions and/or especially sees errors, please advise [email protected].  

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