Insight Africa
Insight Africa
One Step Forward on the Road to Justice
Life is not fair. What can we do?
If you can run a successful business in Africa, you can pretty much run one anywhere in the world...
Deciding on my next move. Comparing a few things in the US with my experience in East Africa. Still unsure but enjoying the process.
A friend recently told me I should write about Nelson... I had never thought about this but maybe she is right.
Homosexuality in Africa remains a taboo subject but increasingly dissenting voices are being heard. I had the good fortune to hear one of them.
This article has appeared on The East African Magazine, Week of 26 December 2009
Amahoro. Peace, in Kinyarwanda.
On Air with the Seventh National Public Dialogue
Africa keeps up with global trends and is one step further on the path towards regional integration
Kenya will set a precedent in the international criminal justice system as ICC Prosecutor Moreno Ocampo is likely to begin investigations of the master minds of the 2007 post...
The author led a delegation of Italian entrepreneurs involved in Fair Trade to meet with local business people in Kenya and Rwanda