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Whites on a Leash: Italian Americans and White Privilege in the U.S.

Whites on a Leash: Italian Americans and White Privilege in the U.S.

Fred Gardaphe (June 24, 2008)
Anti-Italian cartoon from The Mascot newspaper, 1888 (provided by Stephanie Longo)

If not totally black, Italians have certainly complicated the notion of whiteness in America so that they are neither totally white, and it is this in-between status, that makes them likely candidates to support the abolition of whiteness as a privilege status in the U.S.A.


For Italian Americans, “making it” has come with a high price tag. It has cost us the language of our ancestors--the main means by which history is preserved and heritage passed on from one generation to the next.

For a few generations we have had to trade-in or hide any customs which have been depicted as quaint, but labeled as alien, in order to prove equality to those above us on the ladder of success. In this way, Italian Americans have become white, but a different kind of white than those of the dominant Anglo/Saxon culture. Italian Americans have become whites on a leash. And as long as we behave ourselves (act white), as long as we accept the images of ourselves as presented in the media (don't cry defamation) and as long as we stay within corporate and socio-cultural boundaries (don't identify with other minorities) we will be allowed to remain white. This behavior has led to Italian Americans being left out of most discussions of multiculturalism.


In A Different Mirror, Ronald Takaki's revision of American history the European immigrants and their descendants are either lumped in the falsely monolithic category of whites or overlooked entirely. The fact is that each of these groups has its own unique history of subjugation that aligns it more closely with Takaki's oppressed minorities than with the Anglo majority. We all need to come to grips with the fact that there is a great diversity and much oppression within white America. Until then, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the earlier histories that we are trying to correct.


A Scene from The Untouchables

For too long, the U.S. media were all too ready to help restrict Italians’ attempts to assimilate as white Americans. The vast majority of Italian Americans are law-abiding citizens, but you wouldn't know it by watching television, listening to the radio or reading books. We have been viciously framed by the constant repetition of negative portrayals. Most histories of mafia in America begin with the 1890 murder of the corrupt New Orleans Police Chief Hennessey. The aftermath of his murder lead to one of the largest recorded mass lynchings in this country's history. America's obsession with the mafia has overshadowed the real history of Italians in America that includes indentured servitude, mass lynchings, Klu Klux Klan terrorism against Italians, and strong participation in civil rights struggles. For Italian Americans, overt oppression has given way to more covert techniques of discrimination. Italians have replaced Indians and blacks as the accepted “bad guys” in films, and this image was regularly reinforced and perpetuated through contemporary remakes of The Untouchables and the establishment of museums such as the now gone “Capone's Chicago.”


These portrayals have become the building blocks of an American cultural imagination that has petrified a stereotype and fortified the possibilities of remaining white. This never ending reproduction of negative stereotypes has so impoverished American minds that anything Italian is immediately connected to gangsterism and ignorance, and so Italians may protest such images without a sense of what other groups have experienced. To become American, Italians would have to do everything in their power to show how they were unlike the gangsters and buffoons who dominated public representation of their culture. To stay Americans, we would have to avoid anything that might make us seem needy for institutional protection such as that granted to other minority groups.


There are many examples of Italian Americans who have both broken the silence and created the historical narratives that will challenge long established notions of ethnic whiteness, but I will bring up one presented by the late Rudolf Vecoli. In his keynote address to the 1994 American Italian Historical Association’s national conference, Vecoli challenged the notion of Italian Americans being white. Using numerous examples from history in which Italian Americans were not always considered white, he argued that:


Our experience has taught the fallacy of the very idea of race and the mischief of racial labels. It has taught us that both total assimilation and total separatism are will-o’-the-wisps, unachievable--and undesirable if they were. It has taught us that a healthy ethnicity is compatible with, indeed essential to, a healthy America. For these reasons, we, Italian Americans, have something important to contribute to the national dialogue.(1)


Vecoli concludes his speech with the idea that the key to Italian American participation is the creation of the ability to define our selves, “distinguished by our unique experience” that is not “white, nor black, nor brown, nor red, nor yellow.”


Although racial discrimination against Italians was more prevalent in the past, it has not disappeared. Today, Italian American youth suffer from association with a different stereotype; the image of the organ-grinding immigrant has been replaced by the mafioso and the dumb street kid ala Rocky Balboa. These images do not come from family interaction, but from the larger society. So that when Italian Americans look into the cultural mirror, they receive a distorted view, as though it was one of those funny mirrors found in an amusement park. Consciously or unconsciously those distorted images affect their identity, and they must face the reality that the dominant culture is comfortable with Italians as serio/comic figures, caricatures made up of the most distorted aspects of their culture. The question all Italian Americans must confront these days is, “Who controls the image making process and why are their social images so distorted?" Reinforcement of a positive cultural identity that was created in the home is necessary for the maintenance of and a willingness to continue that identification outside the home. If children get the idea that to be Italian is to be what the media and white histories say Italian is, then they will either avoid it, if it shames them, or embrace it if it gets them attention.


If not totally black, Italians have certainly complicated the notion of whiteness in America so that they are neither totally white, and it is this in-between status, that makes them likely candidates to support the abolition of whiteness as a privilege status in the U.S.A. For those who can naively say we’re not black, there are others who counter with the truth, that we weren’t always white.


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(1) Vecoli, Rudolph J., “‘Are Italian Americans Just White Folks?’” in Through the Looking Glass: Italian and Italian/American Images in the Media.  Selected Essays from the 27th Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association, Mary Jo Bona and Anthony Julian Tamburri, eds.  Staten Island, NY: American Italian Historical Association, 1996, p. 17.

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A Cautionary Note

I was lead by a Google to your site and found it strangely discomforting but exciting at the same time. My reaction to what you’ve written is exactly why no black person growing up in America could have ever become the first African American president. Whites know what they have done for several hundred years to anyone who didn’t look white and adopt a code of conduct and specific shared values. While I will share in a moment why I was affected by your openness, allow me to first share something else that serves this discussion.

Dr. Peter Fine of Florida Atlantic University had a class of 13 students. He assigned a number of projects designed to allow the students to demonstrate their ethnicity. There were 12 whites who all considered themselves white Europeans and a single African American. At the conclusion of the class each was asked to take a DNA test and the findings shocked most people. Of the 13 students only 1 was white European. The rest were a rich mixture of Asian, Native American, African and European. The visible African American turned out to be 21 % white.

Society has made it clear that I am accepted as a fairly successful, decent looking, middle class, well educated man with a sense of humor and most of my teeth. I could be the guy next door, a member of your church, or country club (as I have golfed since age 14). But I am not and in some venues will never be, because I am African American. But why on earth would I be on your blog? Because I am African American with a great, great, grandfather who was Italian. And I happen to be from New Orleans. Incidentally my maternal great, great grandmother was Irish who married an African after they both were set free. She was not “indentured” but considered a slave, just like her husband.

All of my life I have endured that schizophrenic moment; that split second of “what are you doing with an Italian name?” I learned the hard way that I was walking proof of the past many Italian Americans wanted to forget. Some of the deepest hurts of my life came from those misguided souls. But some of my happier moments have been shared with Italian friends who looked past my skin.

I am 54 years old and there is no part of me left to insult or hurt. I have had to endure rejection by society and deny parts of my own heritage. So I too understand your message. Hurt is hurt and we are fortunate to maintain our humanity to feel it. My heart is filled with hope however that perhaps our grand children will finally live in the country the rest of us have only dreamed of.

What would it mean in America if a man who is visibly African American, with an Italian last name, had a DNA profile that proved he was mostly white? Maybe I'll change my birth certificate first!

A Cautionary Note

I was lead by a Google to your site and found it strangely discomforting but exciting at the same time. My reaction to what you’ve written is exactly why no black person growing up in America could have ever become the first African American president. Whites know what they have done for several hundred years to anyone who didn’t look white and adopt a code of conduct and specific shared values. While I will share in a moment why I was affected by your openness, allow me to first share something else that serves this discussion.

Dr. Peter Fine of Florida Atlantic University had a class of 13 students. He assigned a number of projects designed to allow the students to demonstrate their ethnicity. There were 12 whites who all considered themselves white Europeans and a single African American. At the conclusion of the class each was asked to take a DNA test and the findings shocked most people. Of the 13 students only 1 was white European. The rest were a rich mixture of Asian, Native American, African and European. The visible African American turned out to be 21 % white.

Society has made it clear that I am accepted as a fairly successful, decent looking, middle class, well educated man with a sense of humor and most of my teeth. I could be the guy next door, a member of your church, or country club (as I have golfed since age 14). But I am not and in some venues will never be, because I am African American. But why on earth would I be on your blog? Because I am African American with a great, great, grandfather who was Italian. And I happen to be from New Orleans. Incidentally my maternal great, great grandmother was Irish who married an African after they both were set free. She was not “indentured” but considered a slave, just like her husband.

All of my life I have endured that schizophrenic moment; that split second of “what are you doing with an Italian name?” I learned the hard way that I was walking proof of the past many Italian Americans wanted to forget. Some of the deepest hurts of my life came from those misguided souls. But some of my happier moments have been shared with Italian friends who looked past my skin.

I am 54 years old and there is no part of me left to insult or hurt. I have had to endure rejection by society and deny parts of my own heritage. So I too understand your message. Hurt is hurt and we are fortunate to maintain our humanity to feel it. My heart is filled with hope however that perhaps our grand children will finally live in the country the rest of us have only dreamed of.

What would it mean in America if a man who is visibly African American, with an Italian last name, had a DNA profile that proved he was mostly white? Maybe I'll change my birth certificate first!

The Early Italian Immigrants

Italian-Americans and Sicilians are obviously not black or Negro and were often called "Dark White" because many had olive skin and dark hair and eyes. They are your classic Southern European Mediterranean Caucasian race; not unlike the Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese or people from Southern France and even Turkey. Most Italian-Americans are actually fairer skinned than the deep-olive skinned stereotype described in this article. The more"Arab" looking and swarthy Sicilians or Southern Italians are actually a minority and many Italians from Southern Italy had green or blue eyes, were fair skinned, some were blondes and they looked Anglo. Today, they are perceived as 100% white and the subsequent generations born here after the immigrants have done very well and moved into white Anglo-Saxon society rather seamlessly. However, being different from the previous Anglo, Germanic and Irish immigrants that emigrated from Northern Europe, they did face deep discrimination and hostility, but overcame it and were never really seen as non-white in aspects of property ownership, social mobility or freedoms as citizens in America. To claim they were "black" and faced the same discrimination and segregation as African-Americans in the deep South is a gross over exaggeration. Even the Irish were considered an inferior lot and "non-white" by most in that context and they are milk white in complexion and of Northern European extraction. This has a lot to do with socio-economic class and religious affiliation as it does with outward non-Anglo appearance. Catholics were despised as much as Jews and the Irish were seen as low-class, boisterous, loud and dumb drunkards in those early days of mass intolerance regarding each new group of immigrants entering the country by the thousands and competing for scarce jobs and viewed as a threat to the status-quo of the country at the time.