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Tina Modotti

Christmas eCards - of a Radical Italian American Kind

(16 12 2015) Laura E. Ruberto

Imagining, creating and sharing alternative Italian American Christmas eCards

Radical Italian American Christmas Cards

(24 12 2009) Laura E. Ruberto

Thinking about next year’s holiday cards, I turn to the leftist artists, Tina Modotti and Pietro di Donato.

Breastfeeding Breasts!

(18 08 2008) Laura E. Ruberto

In honor of my two young children and World Breastfeeding Month, a few thoughts on the work of women’s breasts.

Gramsci, Cinema, Photography and Music

(01 03 2008) Laura E. Ruberto

Listening, watching, and thinking about culture as a political tool.

Joseph Cornell's Italian Job

(08 01 2008) Laura E. Ruberto

Italian icons subtlely make their way into Joseph Cornell's 20th century curios.

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