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The Sopranos

Anti-defamation, a Punch Line

(30 01 2011) Joseph Sciorra

Something Funny about Somewhere.

An American with an Italian name; hindrance or advantage?

(06 03 2010) Darrell Fusaro

Most Italian-Italians, the ones from Italy, that is, always seem to be curious as to how we Italian-Americans are perceived by others in America. With all the news they’ve...

Fear and (Self-)Loathing in Italian America

(03 02 2010) Joseph Sciorra

The Specter of the Gavon Haunts the Prominenti.

Decidedly Not Italian Enough

(10 02 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Some thoughts on why I chose to remain silent and why I now think it's worth a blog post, thanks to Anthony Tamburri.

Uncovering My Mafia Roots

(10 02 2008) Joseph Sciorra

What do you do when you discover an unsavory fact from your family history?

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