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Guido Poetics

(06 02 2011) Joseph Sciorra

The Muse that is “Jersey Shore.”

Conversando con Aldo Grasso di TV, di Jersey Shore e dei Sopranos... e di quando la politica detta il palinsesto

(25 11 2010) Letizia Airos

Giornalista, critico televisivo, docente universitario, insegna Storia della radio e della televisione presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano. Aldo Grasso tiene un forum...

Talking to Aldo Grasso About TV, Jersey Shore, The Sopranos...and When Politics Dictates the Line Up

(25 11 2010) Letizia Airos

Journalist, television critic, professor of radio and television history at Catholic University in Milan, Aldo Grasso moderates a forum entitled “Television” on Corriere della...

An American with an Italian name; hindrance or advantage?

(06 03 2010) Darrell Fusaro

Most Italian-Italians, the ones from Italy, that is, always seem to be curious as to how we Italian-Americans are perceived by others in America. With all the news they’ve...

Organized Culture

(09 02 2010) Fred Gardaphe

If you believe that the “Jersey Shore” show of MTV is really gangsters without guns, then you should do something about it. But since when have we become afraid of our youth?...

Real Italians

(19 01 2010) Joseph Sciorra

A social scientist’s take on guidos, prominenti, and intellectual inquiry.

Dialogue and Debate: Not Denigration and Dismissal

(07 01 2010) Fred Gardaphe

Open Letter to Mr. Arthur Piccolo and all those who believe in boycotting intellectual investigations

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