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Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra, "American Icon"

(11 03 2015) George De Stefano

It's Francis Albert's 100th birthday, and a new exhibition at Lincoln Center pays homage

Proud to be White!

(29 04 2012) Donna Chirico

When did we become the White privileged? When did we leapfrog over our fellow tenement dwellers to a position of lofty self-righteousness? When did we lose sight of our own...

Gli artisti italo-americani fanno anche una musica italo-americana ?

(18 09 2009) Benny Profane

E' un quesito ponderoso, al quale potrebbero rispondere con ben altra cognizione di causa Anthony Tamburri o Bob Viscusi, non certo il vostro umile cronista. Pertanto, ci...

Sinatra, a Morality Tale.

(14 05 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Musings on Italian-American masculinity, power, and bullying on the tenth anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s death.

Decidedly Not Italian Enough

(10 02 2008) Joseph Sciorra

Some thoughts on why I chose to remain silent and why I now think it's worth a blog post, thanks to Anthony Tamburri.

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