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Corriere della Sera

Conversando con Aldo Grasso di TV, di Jersey Shore e dei Sopranos... e di quando la politica detta il palinsesto

(25 11 2010) Letizia Airos

Giornalista, critico televisivo, docente universitario, insegna Storia della radio e della televisione presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano. Aldo Grasso tiene un forum...

Talking to Aldo Grasso About TV, Jersey Shore, The Sopranos...and When Politics Dictates the Line Up

(25 11 2010) Letizia Airos

Journalist, television critic, professor of radio and television history at Catholic University in Milan, Aldo Grasso moderates a forum entitled “Television” on Corriere della...

Eugenio Balzan & Italian Immigration to Canada. A New Book by Corriere Della Sera

(15 11 2009) Susannah Gold

A new work entitled, Corriere 1901, has been published by the Corriere della Sera foundation, edited by Renata Broggini, about a little explored chapter in Italian history,...

The Language of Ugo, Alexander & Sam

(13 06 2008) Letizia Airos Soria

Interview with Alexander Stille. Author and journalist Alexander Stille is the San Paolo Professor of International Journalism at Columbia University. Stille’s father, Ugo, was...

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