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"Who Loves You, Baby?" A show you shouldn't miss.

(08 08 2011) Darrell Fusaro

I rarely write theatre reviews but when I do it’s because I had such a great time I want to make sure all my friends don’t miss out. This is one of those shows. Starring...

Conversando con Carlo Lucarelli

(25 11 2010) Letizia Airos

Ci siamo seduti a parlare di romanzi gialli, "rompiscatole", televisione e politica italiana con il noto scrittore di noir e conduttore TV. Questa la nostra conversazione, quasi...

Bologna 1977

(10 03 2009) Joseph Sciorra

Images and sounds from an extraordinary time.

Fabricating Women’s Histories

(07 03 2009) Laura E. Ruberto

Italy’s construction and memory of International Women’s Day.

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