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July 27, 2012

Hannibal Winters his army in Southern-Italian city Capua – Implications for the Obese American Military confronting Iran

Tom Verso
Roman Soldier and Obese American Soldier

History is about IDEAS. Living Ideas!

July 15, 2012

Does the Italian American Writers Association celebrate ANY writer with an Italian last name e.g. Kristine Gasbarre?

Tom Verso

The Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) states: “Our Mission [is] to promote Italian American literature by encouraging the writing, reading, publication, distribution,...

July 6, 2012

Southern-Italian Americans and the 99% vs. 1% American Class Dichotomy

Tom Verso
“A picture is worth a thousand words”

Clearly, the accompanying picture captures the reality of the class character of American’s current political economy; i.e. great masses of people who had no say in...