During the September 7th Award Ceremony a surprising verdict was announced: after 15 years the Golden Lion returns to Italy and for the first time in the history of the festival...
Philippe Garrel decides to re-read the story of his relationship with his father, actor Maurice Garrel, in his brand new "La jalousie", selected for the main competition.
"L'intrepido - A lonely hero" by Gianni Amelio and "Holy Gra", by documentary filmmaker Gianfranco Rosi, complete the Italian contingent in the main competition of Venice, making ...
Morris tries to reconstruct the personality of Donald Rumsfeld and to nail him to his responsability for the Iraq invasion, but the success of the operation is only 50%.
Out of competition, korean master Kim Ki-Duk presents his new shocking movie, "Moebius".
Beautiful and terrifying, Miss Violence, by greek director Alexander Avranas, is the real shock of this film film festival in Venice but is also the best movie of the main...
The last movie of the japanese animation master Miyazakiis an outstanding masterpirce, more adult oriented than before.
A standing ovation welcomed yesterday the preview of Philomena, the brand new Stephen Frears' movie, in he main competition.
James Franco presents his movie version of one of the Cormac McCarthy's roughest and rawest novels, "Child of God", and he wins the bet.
William Friedkin has been awarded the lifetime achievement Golden Lion.