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September 16, 2008

High and dry. Is Italy failing its high-school students?

Walter De Marco

One third of the high-school students in Italy do not complete their first year. It’s the heavy price they pay for having to pick a specialty without adequate guidance

September 2, 2008

Higher ed-spresso. The joys and woes of an Italian college student

Walter De Marco

Inefficient services and unaffordable housing may result in academic delays and financial distress for students.

August 26, 2008

English, “or something like it”

Walter De Marco
The Land Guru.

Italian students of all ages and areas of specialization are required to study English as a second language. But are they actually learning to speak and/or write in the language...

August 6, 2008

A family business? Nepotism in Italian universities

Walter De Marco
The Florentine:

An expat Italian professor in the United States denounced illegal hiring procedures in Italian academia. As a result, university officials and professors from across the country...

July 22, 2008

Brain Busters. Injustice and negligence at two Italian universities

Walter De Marco
Courtesy of

Two doctoral students experienced similar injustices by Italian professors 15 years apart.

July 17, 2008

Don’t call me a blogger

Walter De Marco

The word "blogger" usually refers to an obscure and untrained writer, and besides, it has a hideous sound

July 15, 2008

Who wants to be a professore?

Walter De Marco

An Italian-Canadian faces ordinary burocratic life in Italy...

July 15, 2008

No Place Like Home. Italian Scientists and Professionals Overseas

Walter De Marco

Italy is one of the top European countries to suffer from brain drain. As its research facilities and job opportunities wane, Italian scientists and professionals look to...