Inside this special

La sfida lombarda

The plenary session “USA: La Sfida Lombarda per competere. Le opportunità di sviluppo e di investimento nel mercato statunitense” (USA: the Lombardy Challenge to Compete. Development and Investment opportunities in the US market), hosted on Sept. 27 at the NYC headquarters of the Italian Trade Commission.
The event, organized with the support of the Consulate General of Italy in New York and the Italian Embassy in Washington, was aimed to give the representatives of  sixteen companies headquartered in Lombardy and operating in the sectors of Aerospace, Renewable Energies, Machinery, and Home Furnishing the necessary financial, economical, and legal instruments to establish economic relationships or to invest in the US market. “Despite the recent economic crisis, the United States still represent the most attractive economy where to invest, given its vocation to innovation and liberalization”, stated the  Director of the Italian Trade Commission in North America  Dott. Aniello Musella in his introductory remarks.


Video Coverage. Opening the US Market to Lombardy’s High Tech Excellence

September 27, the NYC headquarters of the Italian Trade Commission in New York hosted the conference. Video reportage about the event

Opening the US Market to Lombardy’s High Tech Excellence. An Economic and Institutional Joined Effort

Marina Melchionda

The plenary session “USA: La Sfida Lombarda per competere. Le opportunità di sviluppo e di investimento nel mercato statunitense” (USA: the Lombardy Challenge to Compete....

Geniality, Innovation, and Dedication: the Secrets of Made in Lombardy

Marina Melchionda

In the aftermath of the economical/institutional mission of the Region of Lombardy to the US and Canada, we interviewed Guido Guidesi, General Secretary of the regional Department...

High Tech Made in Lombardy and the US. A Meeting of two Excellences

Marina Melchionda

Mrs. Adriana Silvia Sartor Cremaschi, delegate for the US/Canada Internationalization Project at Confindustria Lombardia, expresses her satisfaction for the outcome of the "USA:...

Italian FDI in America. Current and Potential Fields of Growth

Marina Melchionda

"Italy is the 11th largest European investor and 17th largest investor in the U.S. by FDI position, responsible for an FDI stock of $9.7 billion as of 2009. Italy’s FDI position...

Lombardy’s Challenge to Compete. Delegations

Economic Mission to Canada and US. September 21st - October 1st 2010. Short description of delegations

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