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Italian/American Culture: journals and conferences

Italian/American Culture: journals and conferences

Anthony Julian Tamburri (August 21, 2012)
Dennis Barone & Peter Covino, eds. Saggistica 8. Bordighera Press, 2012

Italian/American Studies will flourish only if it gets the requisite support, first and foremost, from its community in order for it then to be part of the larger discourse. We need to support our artists, writers, and scholars.
Italian/American Studies is (some might say should be) becoming more and more part of Italian Studies in the United States. As some of you know, there are a few outlets dedicated to scholarship on the Italian diaspora here in the United States. I am connected to two of them.


The first is VIA (Voices in Italian Americana),
which is now in its 23rd year.  The editor is Dr. Chiara Mazzucchelli of the University of Central Florida ([email protected]). In an attempt to become more international, with specific regard to Italy and the United States, the editorial board of Voices in Italian Americana has decided to begin publishing articles also in Italian. For more information on Voices in Italian Americana, specifically, and Bordighera Press, in general, please see the Press's website.

The second journal is the Italian American Review  
(IAR), a blind, peer-reviewed journal that accepts submissions addressing the history and culture of Italian Americans, as well as other aspects of the Italian diaspora. The editor is Dr. Joseph Sciorra of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute ([email protected]). The journal embraces a wide range of professional concerns and theoretical orientations in the social sciences and in cultural studies. The journal entertains articles about such topics as migration, politics, labor, race and ethnicity, urban studies, gender studies, as well as various forms of cultural production (religious feasts, cinema, music, etc.), especially those addressing societal aspects. The Italian American Review does not publish literary criticism or creative work such as poetry or fiction. The language of the journal is English. Information about the Italian American Review can be found at its website.
Finally, let me remind you about the Calandra Institute's 6th annual conference (April 25-27, 2013). The theme of our 2013 conference is “Lingue Migranti: The Global Languages of Italy and the Diaspora.” For more information, please click on the following for our Call for Papers.
Grazie per la vostra attenzione!

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Italian/American Culture: journals and conferences

Thanks for highlighting these exceptional publications (and, by extension, the scholars whose work is featured therein). Important indeed. See you at "Lingue Migranti" in the spring.