This Will Make You Happy
This Will Make You Happy
Whenever you're willing, she's always eager to take you on a thrilling adventure.
An enlightening discovery in eight frames.
"I've lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats." –Eckhart Tolle
All it takes is one sheet of paper, a pair of scissors, and a pen to launch your publishing empire.
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, author, musician, or artist of any kind, get a dog.
You don't have to be creative to be creative.
We don't think twice about deleting a bad phrase from a Word doc, so why do we let them linger in our heads?
Regardless of being held up by the long line at the coffee shop, you will be amazed how everything comes together with incredible timing.
Whenever an opportunity that seems to be outside your realm of experience presents itself it is an indicator that, incredible as it may seem, you indeed possess the talent and...
The key to getting started is to lower the bar. This may seem outrageous to some who believe that great accomplishments come at great sacrifice and perfection.
"I often get asked why I give out Peeps at Easter." said the Easter Bunny.
Hunches are angels saying, “Just do it!” Spiritual sunbathing keeps our ears open so we can hear them when they do.