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This Is The Week of Your Amazing Good Fortune

This Is The Week of Your Amazing Good Fortune

Darrell Fusaro (May 17, 2016)
Fusaro 2016

Regardless of being held up by the long line at the coffee shop, you will be amazed how everything comes together with incredible timing.


At the start this may appear to be a week like any other, but on the unseen plane arrangements are being made for your highest good.  So keep your eyes open for outrageous coincidences and unexpected blessings.  See delays and inconveniences as Angels reworking your schedule, setting you up for a Divine appointment. 

Regardless of being held up by the long line at the coffee shop, you will be amazed how everything comes together with incredible timing.  Today is the day and this is the week of your amazing good fortune. 

“Faith is expectancy.  You do not receive what you pray for, nor even what you say you have faith in.  You will always receive exactly what you expect.”  –Eric Butterworth
When I catch myself drifting back into cynicism I break the spell with this childlike rhyme, “Now I stand on Holy ground, and great things happen all around!” 

It’s never too late to reconnect with the truth and be thrilled by the evidence that our circumstances do indeed correspond with our inner life.

–Darrell Fusaro

Darrell Fusaro is the author of What If Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?, co-host of the Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed podcast and a contributing columnist for i-Italy Magazine.

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