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VENICE FILM FESTIVAL 2013 - The Canyons, by Paul Schrader - First look review

VENICE FILM FESTIVAL 2013 - The Canyons, by Paul Schrader - First look review

Simone Spoladori (August 30, 2013)

Ellis, Schrader and Lohan fall in "The Canyons."


Out of Competition. Unfortunately,"The Canyons," written by Bret Easton Ellis and directed by the legendary Paul Schrader, is simply embarassing. Ellis, from the 80s, when speaking about Los Angeles, always writes the same things, ignoring the fact that world outside is changing.

So, "The Canyons" is an "out of time" movie, badly acted by Lindsay Lohan and James Deen, and narratively inconclusive. Expectations were high, also because it is a totally independent production (Kickstarter), there is no trace of an absolute artistic freedom.

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