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Tom Dreesen on behalf of Italian American Studies at Loyola University Chicago

Tom Dreesen on behalf of Italian American Studies at Loyola University Chicago

Dominic Candeloro (August 19, 2013)
Standup comedian Tom Dreesen became famous for his appearances on the Tonight Show and his work as the opening act for Frank Sinatra

Standup comedian Tom Dreesen explains the important of preserving Italian American culture with an endowed professorship at Loyola University Chicago. /p>


I appeal to all I-Italy subscibers to circulate this video appeal for support of the Italian American Professorship at Loyola  University of Chicago.  We need your help in creating awareness--and in generating small and medium sized donations from around the whole country.  Loyola draws its students from ALL parts of the country.

 This project is more than a local one.  The idea of endowed professorships is also one that should be considered and supported everywhere in the US.

Please share this 2 minute video as widely as possible.  It was produced by LUC grad Emilio Morrone. 

Call me at 847-951-9109 for more info--Thanks, Dominic

Here is the test of the video: Hello. My name is Tom Dreesen, former resident of Harvey, Illinois, and proud Italian-American. For over 25 years, it was my privilege to share a stage with the most well-known of all IAs, Mr. Frank Sinatra. 


I’m here today to encourage you to embrace a unique opportunity available to you and all Italian Americans. Loyola University Pres. & CEO, Fr. Michael Garanzini, has launched an initiative to preserve and promote the Italian American experience. Loyola is seeking a $500,000 commitment to support this initiative. Reaching this goal will allow us to endow a professorship and create an IAS program. To demonstrate its commitment, the University will match those gifts dollar for dollar. 


When completed, it will be possible for a student to achieve a degree in IA studies, a major that is not currently available in the Chicago area. It would then be possible for him or her to immerse themselves in IA culture, language, and rich artistic traditions, without venturing outside the Chicago area. They will be able to take advantage of Loyola's unique variety of available experiences, including studying abroad at the John Felice Rome Center.  A contribution to this program works on a variety of levels. First and foremost, it enables all of us to pay tribute to the culture and tradition by which we were raised. It honors all those who have gone before, and created the tremendous opportunities we now enjoy. Secondly, your contribution helps to establish a permanent seat of learning to focus exclusively on researching, writing, teaching, and popularizing the Italian American story. Once endowed, this professorship can never be changed! The heritage that you and I knew "growing up Italian" is guaranteed to be passed from generation to generation, never to be forgotten. So, instead of pizza night this week, eat at home, and send that contribution to yourself and your children. Take a moment to think about how much your Italian heritage means to you and your family.  Then write a check or go online to make a generous Donate

to the Italian-American Fund. No donation is too small, or too big.   


Just go to, click on "Make A Gift," and type in Italian American fund. Don't let your family down! This is the gift that keeps on giving! Please donate today! Thank You


  •  contact info—Abby Leng · 312.915.7942 · [email protected] ·




Once the Italian community has raised the $500,000, it will stay raised.  Combined with the University match, the endowment will never be spent---investment income from the principal will fund the program in perpetuity.---just like the hundreds of other endowed programs in universities in the USA.




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