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Be sure to include dance time in your schedule.

Be sure to include dance time in your schedule.

Darrell Fusaro (November 20, 2011)
Fusaro 2011


The following video was recently discovered in a dumpster behind the restaurant known as "Dinah's Chicken" located in Los Angeles within a mile of LAX.  Rumor has it in 2002, "Dancing with Darrell" was the most popular show on Public Access.

Long before "Dancing with the Stars", "D w/D" was the only outlet for people who loved dancing and it helped turn a generation on to its power.  Sadly, Darrell contracted rickets in 2004 while eating a McRib in a hot tub after training for the show and had to leave Los Angeles to seek treatment from the jungles of Brazil. This is his legacy.

UPDATE: After we first re-aired this video we received the following anonymous comment. "I heard someone saw him watching the news about his disappearance on a TV in the window of an electronics shop in Horton, Canada. At least it looked like him with a beard. He shook his fist at the TV on display and shouted, 'IT WASN'T RICKETS IT WAS GOUT!'"

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