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March 27, 2012

It's About Togetherness

Judith Harris

Italian poet Paola Pennecchi and Canadian photographer Allison Harris have joined forces to create an evocative, coffee table-sized book entitled "Traslochi" ("Moving on" in...

March 9, 2012

Good News Gazette

Judith Harris

There's good news from Italy, and it's about time. (Never fear: at the tail end of this piece we'll report some bad news, too.)

March 7, 2012

Derailing Turin’s High-Speed Train

Judith Harris

Protests over the construction of the TAV (Treno Alta Velocità) have spread all over Italy, with people blocking highways and city centers. Let's see what are the CONS and what...

March 1, 2012

“Where the Tall Grasses Grow”: A peek into the secret archives of the Vatican

Judith Harris

For the first time in history the Vatican is offering the Roman public and visitors a peek into its famous “secret archives,” its collection of ancient and modern documents...