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April 30, 2008

Rome Turns Right

Judith Harris
Celbrating their victory in Rome, far rightists raise arms in Fascist-style salutes and yell "Duce, Duce!"

Berlusconi chalks up his second victory this month. “We’ll be licking these wounds for as long as we have tongues, and maybe longer,” was the mournful comment of Alessandro...

April 18, 2008

Italy's Shifting Political Balance

Judith Harris
The tomb of Goffredo Mameli, the XIX century patriot who wrote the Italian national anthem.

With the far left out of Parliament, and the Greens facing extinction notwithstanding the toxic waste dumps of Naples and contaminated mozzarella, the Northern league and...

April 16, 2008

The End of Ideology?

Judith Harris
Election Results for Italy's Chamber of Deputies

“Hanno detto di lui peste e corna, ma poi l’hanno votato tutti.” (They said all they could about him, down to calling him "cornuto", but then they all voted for him.)

April 6, 2008

Italy's Elections: Viagra for the Doldrums?

Judith Harris

Italy faces a serious migraine headache. Experts are already predicting a frustrated and frustrating new legislature with a brief shelf life.