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February 18, 2008

Lost in translation!

Luigi Boccia
Photo courtesy of Bernhard J. Scheuvens
Facciata del Teatro Massimo di Palermo (Italy)

Italian Opera sung in English? I know it sounds just like another bad hybridization introduced to American culture (would anyone like a frappuccino with that?). Is this is the...

February 3, 2008

Is this Opera Swan Song or what?

Luigi Boccia
Fiorenza Cedolins in Tosca at Verona Arena in 2006.

We are proud to introduce Francesco Peri, a new contributor to the Opera, Operatic, Operastic section of i-italy. Francesco, who we present below, will play the role of thedevil's...

February 2, 2008

Palazzi's international debut solo album

Luigi Boccia
Palazzi singing Ferrando in Verdi's Trovatore, Busseto 2003 (Atto I, Scena I)

Internationally acclaimed bass Mirco Palazzi, a promising young artist from Morciano di Romagna (Rimini), has recently released his debut album "Recital d'arie d'opera e da...